I don’t know about you, but I’m finding it hard to stay balanced right now.
Part of me wants to shove my head in a hole and pretend reality doesn’t exist; the other part of me – the part married to a federal government contractor – needs to stay informed for, you know, livelihood purposes.
My body longs for fresh air; The wind chill has been near zero for four straight days keeping me inside.
My body needs healthy food; my body wants Fruity Pebbles marshmallow treats.
I want to disappear into my manuscript; the same manuscript is on an editor’s desk for review meaning I’m checking my email every thirty minutes.
See what I mean? It’s like I’m standing on the center of a teetertotter (you probably called them seesaws) and trying to keep the board flat. I don’t know if you ever tried to do that as a kid, but it takes a lot of concentration and effort.

Here’s my question, then. How do you keep your balance? How do you maintain focus and sanity when the world is pushing you to lean one way or the other? The answer, I’m discovering, is to trust your gut.
Balance, I recently read, is a feeling. A unique combination of factors that only you can define. Balance is that voice in the back of your head that whispers (or screams) take a break! Turn off the news! Turn on the news! Eat an apple! Go put on a jacket and stand on your porch for five minutes! Balance is something you, and only you, can define for yourself.
This week has been an extremely topsy-turvy week for a lot of us. Therefore, let us all take that moment, breathe in deeply, and just listen to what our intuition tells us to do.
Happy Thursday y’all.