On Tracy Chapman, Tom Brady, Luck, and Success

Let’s talk about luck. In 1988, a technical mishap caused Stevie Wonder to delay his performance at the Nelson Mandela Birthday Tribute at Wembley Stadium. (Mandela, then 70, was still in prison at the time. The concert was to honor his commitment to South African freedom.) While the stage crew scrambled to fix the problem, Tracy Chapman – who was still new to the industry and who had already performed earlier in the day – went on stage and filled the programming gap with an acoustic performance of her debut single, "Fast Car.” You can guess the rest of the story.  Her performance...

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June Reading Wrap Up

It’s the first Monday of the month, which means it’s time for another edition of …. June brought me four solid historical fictions and two semi-enjoyable non-fiction titles. I recommend all four historical fiction books. They were all good in their own unique way. THE...

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Three Fun Reads to Start your Summer

Happy Beginning of June! More importantly, Happy Summer Reading! I’ve got a e-reader full of books to devour this summer.  Today I’m sharing three. Feisty Deeds, Historical Fictions of Daring Women by Assorted Authors. FEISTY DEEDS is a fun collection of short stories...

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Publishing is Like a Tree Full of Birds

No matter what branch you sit on, there are going to be birds sitting on a branch above you. Some days that branch seems so far up, you wonder if you'll ever fly high enough to to join them. Other days, you wonder if you should be in the tree at all. Maybe you should...

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Barb’s Book Reviews

Five historical fiction titles that belong on your nightstand. EVERY TIME WE SAY GOODBYE by Natalie Jenner. Of all the women in Jenner’s previous title, BLOOMSBURY GIRLS, Vivian was my favorite, so I was excited to see her get her own story, especially since she still...

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I’m Back!

Did you miss me? Two and a half months ago, I announced that I was “Going Narrow”, meaning I was going to limit my focus to the Step into the Story videocast and writing my next historical fiction. Marketing, social media, and “platform building” would take a back...

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Reading Round-up for February

What do you think of the new heading? I'm still looking for a good midcentury font. This is getting closer. February was an eclectic reading month for me. I found myself sampling everything from self-help to psychological thrillers. Lucky for me, all the books I read...

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