For 45 long minutes, I lost this website. Thank goodness for backups. Happy Tuesday all!
Family History Project
I have three long-term projects that I hope to tackle this year along with my WIP. One is my DIYMFA which I talked about last week and one is to create a story time YouTube for my grandchildren. The third is to put into words the stories of my family history....
Revisiting my Favorite Reads of 2024
I thought I'd spend this week revisiting my favorite books of 2024. I read some great ones. #1 The Frozen River by Ariel Lawhon What can I say about The Frozen River. It was clearly my favorite book of the year. How could it not be? It starts off with a mysterious...
Resolution #1 for 2025
Keep Climbing. For the last few years, my focus has been on climbing my personal Mt Everest. That is, in making the leap from romance to historical book club fiction. I'm almost to the summit. Therefore, my primary goal in 2025 will be to continue climbing that...
Three Fun Reads to Start your Summer
Happy Beginning of June! More importantly, Happy Summer Reading! I’ve got a e-reader full of books to devour this summer. Today I’m sharing three. Feisty Deeds, Historical Fictions of Daring Women by Assorted Authors. FEISTY DEEDS is a fun collection of short stories...
Publishing is Like a Tree Full of Birds
No matter what branch you sit on, there are going to be birds sitting on a branch above you. Some days that branch seems so far up, you wonder if you'll ever fly high enough to to join them. Other days, you wonder if you should be in the tree at all. Maybe you should...
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