

Three Fun Reads to Start your Summer

Happy Beginning of June! More importantly, Happy Summer Reading! I’ve got a e-reader full of books to devour this summer.  Today I’m sharing three. Feisty Deeds, Historical Fictions of Daring Women by Assorted Authors. FEISTY DEEDS is a fun collection of short stories...

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Publishing is Like a Tree Full of Birds

No matter what branch you sit on, there are going to be birds sitting on a branch above you. Some days that branch seems so far up, you wonder if you'll ever fly high enough to to join them. Other days, you wonder if you should be in the tree at all. Maybe you should...

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Going Narrow and Leaving Substack

Two weeks into 2024, I got the green light to proceed with a proposal I’d submitted about Syndrome K, a real-life imaginary disease created by Italian doctors as a way of hiding Jewish citizens from the Nazis.  This good news meant a giant shift in my 2024 timeline....

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Happy Holidays!

For most of my friends and relatives, this weekend marks either the end of the Hannukah season or the beginning of pre-Christmas craziness. Therefore, before I do anything else let me say Thank You to everyone who is reading this.  I know there are a bazillion items...

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June Recap, aka Putting on Blinders

June began in San Antonio at the Historical Novel Society’s North American Conference, the first in-person writing conference I’ve attended since 2019. I’d forgotten how energizing it was to be around other writers. From the moment I stepped into the hotel lobby, I...

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Barb’s Book Reviews, June 2, 2023

It’s been books aplenty, books galore at my house this month as my desk is piled high with research reading. Fortunately, in between learning about Ziegfeld girls and prohibition, I managed to squeeze in four awesome – and I mean awesome – fiction.  Only the Beautiful...

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