Monday Pep Talk

Dear Writer: A word of advice from someone who has been riding the writing roller coaster for thirty years. Life, at its simplest, is a series of time blocks. One second, one minute, one hour, one day. Thousands of finite segments with beginnings and ends, which means...

MFA Goals: I Need Your Help

I realized this morning that, when it comes to this whole DIYMFA project, I need a more definable goal. Originally, I said I wanted to take my writing to the next level. But what does that mean, and how do I know when I've achieved it? Here's what I do know: First of...

DIY MFA Project Part Deux

2025 will be the year that I complete my DIY MFA. I began my self-curated MFA studies a few years ago, but found myself sidetracked by other projects. This year, however, I am determined to deepen my writing knowledge. And, because I've committed to chatting with you...

Writing Tip from Donald Maass

People rarely feel a solitary emotion. Rather, we are a cacophony of feelings and thoughts all happening at the same time. Take, for example, a woman walking at night. Suddenly she hears footsteps drawing closer. Is she frightened? Sure. But what else does she feel?...

The Phrase for 2024

Last year, my inspirational word was Everest. Earth’s highest mountain (above sea level) seemed an appropriate metaphor as I strove to conquer a new type of writing. Jumping from genre fiction to book club fiction certainly felt like a climb. What made Everest so...