It’s that time of year again! Time for me another Great Gifts for Writers post. This list is different though because it’s curated by me, an actual writer and reader. I have no stake in these items whatsoever. I didn’t receive a free one in exchange of a plug, nor do I get a kickback from any links.

In other words, it’s gifts that I think book lovers will actually use, with nary a coffee cup sight. Not that coffee cups aren’t great, but let’s face it, most of us have enough of them. As for price, the suggestions run from free to outrageously expensive, in case the Santa in your house is feeling flush and uber-generous.
Time to write. This is the cheapest item on the list, and yet it might be the most appreciated. Most aspiring writers squeeze in their words between jobs and other obligations. Offering to watch the kids for a weekend or encouraging them to disappear with their laptop on Saturday mornings means more than letting them make their word count. It shows that you consider their dreams important and want to help them achieve their goals.
Under $25

Booklights. My bestie, Donna Alward, lives in snowy Canada where power outages are frequent. I sent her this LED Neck Light so she could read on those dark, winter nights.
Blue Light-Blocking Glasses. Supposedly blue light blockers help with eye fatigue. Because I wear glasses full time, I can’t say if they do or not, but I spring for the coating on my latest prescription. The NY Times recommended these because they come in a variety of cool colors.

Pillow Stand for Tablet Users. For people who want to sack out on the sofa and read their kindle without having to physically hold it. You can get them all over the place. This one is from Amazon.

Tabletop Book Stand. My late father loved this fold-n-stow book stand because it let him read his hardcover library books while eating breakfast.
Writers Digest Subscription. This magazine can be inspirational for writers who are just starting out.

NovelTeas Tea. If your book person is a tea drinker, then this is kind of cool. It’s book related tea. The bags are under $20. Act fast though. A lot of the brands are already sold out.

Book Nook Reading Valet. I’ve been seeing this advertised all over my social media platforms, and I’ve got to admit, I can see it’s appeal.
Laptop Cooling Pad. If the writer in your life is like me, then their laptop spends as much time on their lap as on their desk. These pads help keep the machine from overheating.
Membership to a Writing Organization. Groups like Romance Writers of America, the Women’s Fiction Writing Association, Sisters in Crime, or my favorite, the Historical Novel Society, can be of tremendous benefit to the aspiring writer. Sadly, the memberships are often pricey, and when money is tight, that expense is one of the first things cut.

Writers Block Coffee Subscription. I have an affinity to original, small-batched coffee. My husband gave me a coffee subscription one year, and I loved it. I confess, I haven’t had this coffee, yet, but I’m intrigued and will be ordering a bag or two this weekend. A three-month subscription for Writers Block costs $50. The company has two other blends, Deadline and Whiskey Barrel Aged, which can be purchased by the bag or as a year-long subscription.
Writing Software. Personally, I’m an old school writer addicted to spiral bound notebooks, but a lot of my writer friends swear by their writing software to help with plotting, organizing, etc. Two of the most popular are Plottrand Scrivener. The cost for each run between $50 and $100.
Over $100
The Gift of Continuing Ed. Writers Digest University holds workshops and courses throughout the year on every assorted topic imaginable. The costs is usually $199.00
Noise-Cancelling Headphones. My husband and I both work at home. He spends his days on Zoom calls. I need quiet. My Bose noise-cancelling headphones are a lifesaver on those days when the meetings in his office grow loud. You can get cheaper ones as well. This article from the New York Times lists their top four recommendations. (Psst, the ones in the picture are on Amazon for under $100.)
The Absurdly Expensive (aka a person can dream)
Tuscan Writing Retreat. Send the writer you love to Tuscany for an all-inclusive week of writing and wine. Private room in a villa with indoor and outdoor writing spaces. Don’t fancy Italy? There’s one in France and Greece as well.
Backyard Office. Remind me to stay away from I fell in love with this pre-fab backyard office. Good news for my husband. They only deliver to Australia.

Gifts of Any Denomination

Books! I don’t know if you’ve heard, but books make great gifts. If you’re looking for a vetted title, I’ve been reviewing some great titles in this newsletter all year. Any one of those would make a great present. I’ve also heard some good things about the cozy mystery series in the picture. You can grab the books on Amazon. *grin*
Gift Cards! You can’t go wrong with a gift card so your loved one can buy more books. Your local independent bookseller or Barnes & Noble store would appreciate this as well.
And if you’re truly set on the coffee mug or tee shirt:
Out of Print has a great collection of book related things.

That’s the list! Have a terrific weekend. Happy Chanukah to those who celebrate. And as always, thanks for reading.