Favorite 2024 Read #2

THE SECRET KEEPER OF MAIN STREET by Trisha R. Thomas Hands down, my favorite read of May. Set in 1950s Oklahoma, The Secret Keeper of Main Street takes everything that’s great about a nighttime soap and puts it in book form.  It all starts with Bailey, a...

Writing Tip from Donald Maass

People rarely feel a solitary emotion. Rather, we are a cacophony of feelings and thoughts all happening at the same time. Take, for example, a woman walking at night. Suddenly she hears footsteps drawing closer. Is she frightened? Sure. But what else does she feel?...

Fresh Start

Are you ready for the year 2025? I am. After a month of holiday distractions, I spent today de-Christmasing my house in preparation of starting fresh tomorrow. Actually I’ll probably spend tomorrow getting reacquainted with my manuscript and tying up some loose...