‘Nothing in life is more necessary than friendship.’ – Aristotle Everyone needs friends, right? But what kind of friend, and how many? Over the past two years, life events have caused changes in my friendship circle, so naturally, being chronic contemplator* that I...
Blog Thoughts
Perry Mason for the Defense
I've developed a fascination for Perry Mason. Not those TV movies from the 1980s and 90s, but the original series from 1957-1966. Mason, as you may or may not know, was the creation of novelist Erle Stanley Gardner who first wrote about him in 1933. Since then the...
Monday Morning Pep Talk: Of Dogs and Yards
John Madden famously said, “If you can’t run with the big dogs, stay on the porch.” What he didn’t mention is that once you step off the porch, you might have to fight to for your fair share of the yard. It’s not that the other dogs want you to stay...
The 260-Day Blogging Challenge
"Wordpress Blogging" by Negative Space/ CC0 1.0 The year isn't getting off to the best start here at Casa Wallace. I accidentally resent my clock when I setting my alarm last night. As a result, I got up at 5am, thinking it was an hour later. It wasn't until I'd made...
Fresh Start
Are you ready for the year 2025? I am. After a month of holiday distractions, I spent today de-Christmasing my house in preparation of starting fresh tomorrow. Actually I'll probably spend tomorrow getting reacquainted with my manuscript and tying up some loose ends...
Resolution #2 for 2025
Do; Don't Stew I am a ruminator. Over the years, I've realized that the antidote for ruminating is distraction. Therefore, in 2025, I promise myelf that when dark thoughts hit, I will take action. Take a nap. Take a bath. Take a walk. Watch TV. Clean the house....
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