February 24, 2025 Dear Writer: I want you to know that I see you. I support you. I believe in you. If you’re struggling, I understand. Writing is a hard job, and the publishing world isn’t always fair. Heck, the world isn’t always fair. The rejects, the bad...
Blog Thoughts
Monday Pep Talk
Dear Writer: A word of advice from someone who has been riding the writing roller coaster for thirty years. Life, at its simplest, is a series of time blocks. One second, one minute, one hour, one day. Thousands of finite segments with beginnings and ends, which means...
A Realization and a Recommendation
You may - or may not - have noticed I didn't post anything the last two days. I was neckdeep in my WIP and time got away from me. Last night at around 3AM, when I was pinned down under the covers by ALL THE CATS IN THE HOUSE, I came to two realizations. Posting daily...
MFA Goals: I Need Your Help
I realized this morning that, when it comes to this whole DIYMFA project, I need a more definable goal. Originally, I said I wanted to take my writing to the next level. But what does that mean, and how do I know when I've achieved it? Here's what I do know: First of...
Monday Pep Talk
For those who are feeling discouraged or overwhelmed.... Facebook Twitter Linkedin Email
I've been having a bit of a rough week mentally. As I've mentioned before, I am a ruminator. Usually, it doesn't take much to send my thinking into overdrive. An offhanded remark that unintentionally cuts, a deluge of negative newstories, an empty email box - any one...
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