"Wordpress Blogging" by Negative Space/ CC0 1.0 The year isn't getting off to the best start here at Casa Wallace. I accidentally resent my clock when I setting my alarm last night. As a result, I got up at 5am, thinking it was an hour later. It wasn't until I'd made...
For Writers
On Tracy Chapman, Tom Brady, Luck, and Success
Let’s talk about luck. In 1988, a technical mishap caused Stevie Wonder to delay his performance at the Nelson Mandela Birthday Tribute at Wembley Stadium. (Mandela, then 70, was still in prison at the time. The concert was to honor his commitment to South African...
For Writers: The Two Biggest First Chapter Mistakes
I’ve spent the last two weeks writing the opening pages of my WIP. After 5-6 versions, I think I’ve landed on one that will stick around until I get further into the story. Then, chances are, I’ll go back and revise it again. By the time I’m done, I will probably have...
The Phrase for 2024
Last year, my inspirational word was Everest. Earth’s highest mountain (above sea level) seemed an appropriate metaphor as I strove to conquer a new type of writing. Jumping from genre fiction to book club fiction certainly felt like a climb. What made Everest so...
Gifts for Writers and Readers
It’s that time of year again! Time for me another Great Gifts for Writers post. This list is different though because it’s curated by me, an actual writer and reader. I have no stake in these items whatsoever. I didn’t receive a free one in exchange of a plug, nor do...
Thoughts on a Birthday Weekend
I turned 59 yesterday. Not a milestone birthday, but dangerously close As a result, I found myself spending a good portion of this week taking stock. How do I want to spend the last decades of my life? What changes over the next twelve months to become that person?...
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